SIA Awards recognise excellence in OHS education April 16, 2014
The Safety Institute of Australia together with the Australian OHS Education Accreditation Board announced the winners of national OHS education awards at the recent Dr Eric Wigglesworth Memorial Lecture.
Dr Christine Teague from Edith Cowan University was awarded the Eric Wigglesworth OHS Education (Research) Award for her thesis on Reducing risk and injury to transit officers.
Cameron Stevens who completed a Masters of Ergonomics, Safety and Health at Latrobe University was awarded the National OHS Education Award at the Postgraduate level.
Christine and Cameron receive a study grant of $5000 and $2000 respectively together with membership of the SIA. Their universities are recognised through a plaque of recognition. Safe Work Australia has also recognised Christine’s work by providing her the opportunity to travel to Canberra and work with the Agency on the application of her research to industry.
Christine’s research investigated whether an understanding of the communication and safety culture of transit officers could provide a safer work environment. Christine not only undertook the transit officer training program and worked with the transit officers on night shift, she interviewed trainees, officers, supervisors and managers and visited the US, Canada and the UK to look at best practice in transit police organisations.
Other noteworthy applications at the doctorial level were Dr Jennifer Long on work related musculoskeletal injuries among optometrists, Dr Robin Orr who developed a risk management approach to soldier load carriage, Dr Riza Sunindijo on safety climate in the construction industry and Dr Su Mon Kyaw-Mint who looked at mainstreaming mental health in occupational health and safety.
In making the Education Awards the Safety Institute of Australia and the Australian OHS Education Accreditation Board bring an OHS professional perspective to educational outcomes that have already been considered exceptional by their own educational institutions.