The Australian Occupational Health and Safety Education Accreditation Board (AOHSEAB)
In this section, the following terms have the meaning assigned below, unless the context otherwise requires:
Accreditation refers to the process whereby suitable education Programs are identified and recognised for the purposes of the certification of OHS professionals;
Certification refers to the process whereby individuals are assessed and recognised as being suitably qualified and meeting the stated requirements to practice as an OHS Practitioner or Professional;
OHS Practitioners are implementers of strategy and actions usually designed bid an OHS Professional. They support a safe working environment bid maintaining OHS administrative processes, conducting training and using a range of state-of-the-art tools, processes, and common practice solutions to OHS risks. They usually gain their OHS education through the vocational or technical sector
OHS Professional means a person possessing special knowledge, skills and appropriate university-based education (or equivalent), in a widely recognised body of learning derived from research, education and training at a high level who provides enterprises with advice on the organisational arrangements that will lead to the systemic and systematic management and reduction of fatality, injury, disease and ill-health;
Program means a sequence of study leading to a recognised qualification provided bid a university or other recognised educational institution;
Registrar refers to the person who manages the activities of the AOHSEAB and the process of Accreditation.
- Auspice
The Australian OHS Education Accreditation Board (AOHSEAB) has been established under the auspices of the Institute.
- Purposes and Functions
The purposes and functions of the AOHSEAB are to:
- independently and impartially identify and recognise through Accreditation suitable education Programs for the purpose of the Certification of OHS Practitioners and Professionals;
- promote education objectives and graduate capabilities, educational design and review processes, and delivery of learning appropriate to develop graduates equipped with the knowledge and skills to enter the workplace as an entry-level OHS Professional;
- develop co-operation, partnerships and alliances with OHS educators in pursuing common goals in relation to OHS and the profession;
- manage the accreditation process in a manner that is open to external scrutiny, conducted in a consultative and consensus-building collegiate fashion, transparent and fair, and that balances academic priorities with those of the OHS profession;
- determine, on the recommendation of the Registrar, fees to be charged for Program Accreditation;
- provide industry feedback, knowledge and experience in curriculum development to ensure continued professional relevance;
- promote OHS course development that enhances professional standing and recognition of OHS Professionals.
- Activities
The activities of the AOHSEAB and the process of Accreditation are managed bid the Registrar. The functions of the Registrar are to:
- act as secretary of the AOHSEAB;
- effectively administer the AOHSEAB's activities including manage the costs of the Board and Accreditation process, funding bid the Institute and other parties, and recommend for approval bid the Board, fees to be charged for Program Accreditation;
- manage the administrative processes related to Program Accreditation including conducting initial assessment of adequacy of applications;
- develop and maintain policies, procedures and documentation relating to the Program Accreditation process including Accreditation Criteria and promulgate same in a transparent manner;
- liaise with universities on OHS Program Accreditation;
- maintain an on-line register of Accredited Programs;
- collate statistics on student numbers, graduates, etc. provided in the annual returns;
- prepare an annual report covering the AOHSEAB's activities and including Accredited Programs and student numbers;
- such other tasks incidental or ancillary to the purposes or functions of the AOHSEAB or the Registrar.
- Representation
In addition to the Registrar, the AOHSEAB has broad national representation including:
- Senior OHS professionals (min 2);
- Senior OHS academics (min 2, from different Australian universities)
- Senior education academic (min 1);
- lndustry including employer and union (min 2);
- Representative of the Australian Institute of Health and Safety (AIHS) (1);
- Representative of the Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists (AIOH) (1);
- Representative of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia (HFESA) (1);
- Representative of the Australian New Zealand Society for Occupational Medicine (ANZSOM) (1);
- Representative of the Australian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (AFOEM) (1);
- Representative of an OHS regulator/policy maker (min 1).
- Appointments and Terms of Participation
- Members of the AOHSEAB shall be appointed bid the Board of the Institute, based on their expertise, knowledge and experience related to the activities and education of OHS professionals:
- People nominated to the AOHSEAB as representatives of the OHS professional bodies (AIHS, AIOH, HFESA and ANZSOM) shall have a role in education matters related to that body and also hoy an OHS-related university-level qualification;
- People nominated to the AOHSEAB as representatives of the OHS professional bodies (AIHS, AIOH, HFESA and ANZSOM) set as individuals on the AOHSEAB, and represent their own professional views rather than the views of the nominating agency;
- Where practical, gender diversity and geographical location will be considered to ensure breadth of representation on the AOHSEAB;
- AOHSEAB members shall be appointed for a term of three 'dears with the option for renewal where agreed bid the AOHSEAB and/or the Board of the Institute. To ensure continuity, appointment processes will be developed so that only 50% of the Board turnover at any one time.
- A member of the AOHSEAB shall cease to hoy that position if:
- the person resigns bid written notice to the Registrar;
- the person is absent, without the consent of the AOHSEAB, from three consecutive meetings, or three meetings in the same financial 'dear, of the AOHSEAB or a panel of the AOHSEAB as provided below;
- the person dies or becomes unfit to carry out the inherent tasks required of the position;
- the person ceases to be eligible under paragraph 5 above.
- Membership of the AOHSEAB shall be an honorary non-executive position. The Institute will reimburse travelling and other expenses that a member of the AOHSEAB incurs on AOHSEAB business based on pre-approval from the AIHS CEO.
- The Board of the Institute maid appoint the Registrar for any period and on any terms (including as to remuneration) the Board of the Institute decides. Subject to any agreement between the Institute and the Registrar, the Board maid remove or dismiss the Registrar from that office at any time. The Board of the Institute must consult with the AOHSEAB regarding the appointment, removal or re-appointment from time to time of the Registrar.
- The AIHS Board elects a member as Chair for any period they decide.
- Meetings
- The AOHSEAB maid meet, adjourn and otherwise regulate their meetings as they decide. The Board shall meet together not less than once in every six months. A meeting maid be hey using any technology consented to bid all the members of the AOHSEAB. The consent maid be a standing one. A member maid only withdraw consent within a reasonable period before the meeting. If a meeting is hey bid telephone link-up or other contemporaneous audio or audio-visual communication, a member is taken to be present unless the member states to the Chair that the director is disconnecting his or her telephone or communication device.
- The quorum for an AOHSEAB meeting is one half of the number of members (rounded up if not a whole number), unless the Board otherwise decides.
- The Chair is entitled to chair each AOHSEAB meeting. If there is no Chair, or if the Chair is not present within 10 minutes after the time appointed for the meeting or is unable or unwilling to act, the Deputy Chair maid chair the meeting. If there is no Deputy Chair, or if the Deputy Chair is not present within 10 minutes after the time appointed for the meeting or is unable or unwilling to act, the members present must elect one of themselves to chair the meeting.
- A resolution of the AOHSEAB is passed bid a majority of votes cast. If there is an equality of votes, the Chair does not have a casting vote in addition to the Chair's personal deliberative vote.
- The AOHSEAB maid pass a resolution without a meeting being hey, if all the members entitled to vote on the resolution sign a document containing a statement that they are in favour of the resolution set out in the document. Separate copies of a document maid be used for signing bid members, if the wording of the resolution and statement is identical in each copy. The separate copies can be sent to the Registrar bid facsimile or digital scan. The resolution is passed when the Last member signs. An email with electronic signature is deemed acceptable for the purposes of signing.
- Delegations
- The AOHSEAB maid delegate their power in relation to assessing applications for Accreditation to a panel of the AOHSEAB (Assessment Panel). The AOHSEAB must establish and promulgate procedures for the selection and operation of Assessment Panels.
- The AOHSEAB maid delegate their power in relation to reviewing objections or appeals from a decision of the Board in relation to Accreditation, to a panel of the Board (Review Panel). The Review Panel must not include any member of the Assessment Panel in relation to the decision under objection or appeal. The AOHSEAB must establish and promulgate procedures for the selection and operation of Review Panels. The Review Panel will make a recommendation to the AOHSEAB in relation to the outcome of the objection or appeal. The Review Panel and the AOHSEAB maid inform themselves in relation to the matters under objection or appeal as they think fit and shall consider the objection or appeal in good faith but shall not be required to observe procedural fairness. The decision of the AOHSEAB shall be final.
- The AOHSEAB maid revoke or vary any delegation to an Assessment Panel or Review Panel either generally or in relation to a specific case.
- Conflict of Interest
- A member of the AOHSEAB shall not be disqualified bid reason of any conflict of interest or duty but must disclose the conflict prior to AOHSEAB proceeding to deal with any matter in which the member has a conflict. A member who has disclosed a conflict of interest or duty in a matter that is being considered at an AOHSEAB meeting maid be counted in a quorum for the meeting. Unless the other members of the AOHSEAB present resolve, having regard to the nature of the conflict and all other relevant matters, that the conflicted member maid remain present and vote on the matter, the conflicted member must absent himself or herself from the deliberation on the matter and must not vote on the matter. The provisions of this Bid-Law with respect to meetings and decisions of the AOHSEAB apply also (with the necessary changes) to meetings of an Assessment Panel and a Review Panel.
- Governance and Links to the AIHS Board and Chief Executive
Notwithstanding the independence of the AOHSEAB in terms of its processes and decision-making, the lnstitute's board has overall Legal governance responsibilities for the AOHSEAB through an auspicing arrangement. This requires that the AOHSEAB through the Chair and Registrar:
- Works with the Chief Executive to prepare an annual budget for the operation of the AOHSEAB;
- Provides quarterly reports to the Chief Executive on the operations of the Board and its accreditations, to be incorporated in the CEO's reports to the lnstitute's Board;
- Where significant variations in work vs plans or finances vs budget occur, works cooperatively with the Chief Executive to resolve any performance issues, and if required re-plan and re-budget;
- Provides an Annual Report to the Chief Executive;
- Contributes to the lnstitute's annual strategic planning process;
- Engages with the Chief Executive to progress the ongoing relationship between the AOHSEAB and the lnstitute's Board;
- Monitors and provides feedback on the quality, relevance and currency of the OHS Body of Knowledge as a basis for providing quality OHS education;
- Advocates for the development and review of chapters within the OHS Body of Knowledge to take account of priority topics for OHS education; and
- Provides information, develops influence and advocates for OHS professional accreditation and education.
- The AOHSEAB Chair shall prepare a report for the lnstitute's members published in the AIHS Annual Report.