Dear OHS educators and researchers August 21, 2014
Dear OHS educators and researchers
This is the second of our ‘quick update’ emails. We trust you find them useful. We are keen to include any useful information that you would like to pass on.
This update announces two new accreditations for Curtin University and University of Queensland; welcomes John Green of Laing O’Rourke as a member of the Accreditation Board; and IFAP as a Supporting Partner. It also brings you some education and OHS news and introduces a new occasional report of a review of selected peer reviewed articles relevant to OHS education.
Accreditation Board
Accreditation Update
Curtin University has accreditation for their Bachelor of Science (HSE) and University of Queensland has complemented their accredited Bachelor of Occupational Health and Safety Science (Hons) by achieving accreditation for their Master of Occupational Health and Safety Science. See announcements on the news page at .
OHS Body of Knowledge Update
We have been working on four new chapters for the OHS Body of Knowledge: User-centred, safe design approach to control, Principles of OHS Law, Organisational culture and OHS risk and decision making. These chapters will be launched in late October as part of Safe Work Month. More information later.
OHS Education Awards and Wigglesworth OHS Education (Research) Award
The call for nominations for these awards will be emailed soon and posted on the web site. Keep an eye out, the nominations close on the 30th September. See awards-2/
Membership of the Accreditation Board.
It was with regret that we accepted the resignation of Mike Walsh from the Board but welcome John Green as an independent OHS professional. John will be a great asset to the Board in not only our educational and professional activities but the operation of the Board overall. See announcement for information about John on the news page at
Supporting Partners
We welcome IFAP (Industrial Foundation for Accident Prevention) as a Supporting Partner. See announcement on the news page at We cannot do the work we do on accreditation, the OHS Body of Knowledge and supporting the development of OHS capability generally without our Supporting Partners.
Education matters
Changes to the AQF masters specification
The AQF Council has approved minor amendments to the Masters Degree Specifications which comprise adjustments to the wording of the volume of learning. The amended specifications can be downloaded from the AQF website. They are effective from 1 June 2014. AQF compliant providers will not be affected by the changes. The changes involve no change to policy and providers that are compliant with the AQF 2013 are considered to be compliant with the amended specifications. A series of frequently asked questions (FAQ) which have been developed in collaboration with TEQSA is available on the AQF website.
Why were the changes made and who was involved? The changes have been made in response to stakeholders concerns to make the Masters Degree Specification more user-friendly and to reinforce the flexibility and professional discretion in the design and development of programs of learning leading to a Masters Degree. The changes also support greater consistency in language and presentation throughout the AQF Specifications. The new Masters Specifications were developed in consultation with the Universities Australia AQF Standing Group, TEQSA and representatives of other higher education providers. See amendments-to-the-masters-degree-specifications-2/. For further information contact Victor Korobacz, Director Policy 08 8306 8780 or email at
Interesting references
As OHS educators you have the challenge of keeping current with leading discussions on education as well as OHS. The attached review of a selection of three articles relevant to OHS education provides some food for thought and may promote discussion among your colleagues. In this review Emeritus Professor Bruce King, education advisor to the Board, provides comment on three articles which are linked in that they have a common author, Paul Kirschner, and they address issues of interest to OHS educators. See review-Aug-2014.pdf .
Anybody interested in contributing a comment or review of a series of articles or initiating a discussion on matters related to OHS education please contact Pam Pryor at .
OHS matters
The updated HSE research and plan have been published. See HSE Science Report and HSE Science plan 2012-2-15
SWA virtual webinar series
This October Safe Work Australia is running the inaugural Virtual Seminar Series (VSS)—a free online event run throughout Safe Work Australia Month. The VSS will showcase some of the latest work health and safety thinking, developments, innovations and research and supports the vision of the Australian Work Health and Safety Strategy 2012-2022– the ten year framework to encourage improvements in Australia’s workplace health and safety. The VSS is aimed at those with an interest in work health and safety and will feature live interactive panels, video presentations, animations, reports and infographs by Safe Work Australia Members, industry and business leaders, academics, work health and safety experts. The themes for the 2014 VSS are:
- leadership and culture
- responsive and effective regulation
- agriculture and road freight transport industries, and small business.
- The program can be accessed at and register your interest and download the Safe Work Australia Safety Month smart phone app from the Apple App store or through Google Play by searching for “Safe Work Australia Safety Month”. There are also two live panels.
Pam Pryor Registrar
August 2014
A PDF version of this article can be found here.