Who is represented on the board?
The Accreditation Board has broad representation from OHS professionals, OHS academics, OHS professional bodies including the Australian Institute of Health & Safety (AIHS), Australian Institute of Occupational Hygiene (AIOH), Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia (HFESA), Australian New Zealand Society for Occupational Medicine (ANZSOM) and the Australian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (AFOEM).
It also has representation from the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) and employers.
The Board has benefited from the membership of an education academic from outside the OHS arena.
![]() Angela Seidel GCert SustBus, GCertSurvResMethods, GradDipAppCorpGov, MEnvMgt, MHRM, MBA, MAppMgt(Public Health), MOHS, PGDipHlthSc(OSH), Cert Hlth Ec, GDipEd(Sec), BEc.CPMSIA, ACSA, ACIS GAICD ChOHSP | Angela has more than 20 years Safety Leadership experience and is currently the National Risk Manager for Lifestyle Solutions. Prior to this she previously worked in logistics, FMCG, manufacturing, mining and emergency services holding OHS roles with Patrick, Goodman Fielder and Rio Tinto (coal and iron ore). Angela is the current Chair of the Board. |
![]() Associate Professor Sue Reed PhD (UWS), MSc (Lond), MEngSc(UNSW), BSc(UNSW), COH, CIH, ChOHSP, FAIOH, FSIA, | Sue is currently Director, Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety, School of Medical & Health Sciences, Edith Cowan University. She has over 38 years’ experience as an academic, researcher and practitioner in the field of occupational health and safety, specifically in the field of occupational and environmental hygiene. Sue is a past President of the AIOH and is currently the Deputy Chair of the Board. |
![]() Dr Kelly Johnstone BAppSc(OHS), BHlthSc(Hons), MSc(OHP), PhD, ChOHSP, COH | Dr Kelly Johnstone is a Senior Lecturer within the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Queensland. Kelly’s teaching and research is in the field of Occupational Health and Safety Science, with a particular focus on occupational health and hygiene. Kelly has developed a broad range of OHS-related skills and technical knowledge over the past 20 years through her work as an academic and her current and past employment as a Senior OHS Consultant. Kelly has experience in a range of sectors including Transport, Energy, Petroleum and Gas, Construction and Education. Kelly has been a member of the AIHS since 1999 and has held numerous leadership roles within the association, including the Chair of the College of Fellows for 3 years. Kelly is the AIHS representative on the Board. |
![]() Alison Bell PhD; MSc (Research); B App Sc (OT); G Dip Safety Sc; G Cert Health Sc (Education); Cert IV Workplace Assessment & Training; CPE. Senior Lecturer, WHS Programme, University of Wollongong. | Alison has had a varied career, working initially as a clinical occupational therapist in Australia and the UK and then in OHS for almost 30 years. Alison has held roles in injury management, safety management, workers compensation, ergonomics and human factors. She has been involved in work-related musculoskeletal disorder research for the NSW government and has research students across different disciplines at the University of Wollongong. |
![]() Brian Devlin Bachelor Labour Studies. Assistant State Secretary, Australian Manufacturers Workers Union (QLD). | Brian Devlin was a primary school teacher for 18 years prior to working in the union movement. Brian is heavily involved in workplace health and safety advocacy and education. |
![]() Dr David Goddard Senior Lecturer, Monash Centre for Occupational & Environmental Health (MonCOEH) | David has worked in occupational medicine since 1973 and now teaches medical undergraduates in occupational medicine and postgraduate students in toxicology. He also holds a part time role as Education Project Officer of the Australasian Faculty of Occupational & Environmental Medicine (AFOEM) in the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. |
![]() Genevieve Hawkins B App Sci(OT), GradDip OHM, GradCert Change Management, MBA(Exec), Company Director’s Diploma, CPMSIA, GAICD General Manager, Safety, Coles | Genevieve has worked in the health and safety arena for over 20 years operating from different stakeholder perspectives in large and small businesses, insurance and consultancy across a range of industries with a particular focus on leadership and culture change. In addition to her safety role at Coles Genevieve is a non-Executive Director of the Alcohol and Drug Foundation of Australia. |
![]() Graham Jackson MA Health & Safety Law and Environment Law (UK), DipNEBOSH, CMIOSH, ChOHSP, Member of Institute of Railway Operators | Graham has an extensive background in safety within the rail industry. He was Head of HSEQ for the Project division of Network Rail in the UK which gave him a broad background in all aspects of safety within the rail, manufacturing and construction industries. Moving to Australia in 2008 he took the role of General Manager Safety for the NSW Government owned Transport Infrastructure Development Corporation which became part of Transport for NSW, where he is now the Director Safety & Engineering Systems. Graham’s safety focus has been based upon workers, customers and public and he considers all three as equally important. |
![]() Jane Whitelaw, Australian Institute of Occupational Hygiene representative MAppSc Environmental Health, Grad Dip OHS, Grad Cert OHS, Cert IV TAA, MAIOH, Certified Occupational Hygienist. Course Co-ordinator Occupational Hygiene Practice Programme, University of Wollongong. | Jane commenced work in the Aluminium industry as a Chemist before moving into the area of Occupational Hygiene. She was the Australasian Corporate Hygienist for Alcan Aluminium for 10 years, before moving into Senior Management in broader OHS roles in the Paper and Steel industries. Education of management and the workforce was a strategic element of OHS systems that led Jane to a research interest in adult education, behavioural safety and workplace culture change. Jane has been a lecturer in the OHS postgraduate unit at the University of Wollongong since 2009. |
![]() Associate Professor Timothy Driscoll BSc(Med), MBBS, MOHS, PhD, FAFOEM, FAFPHM Post graduate Coordinator, Research; Joint Academic Coordinator, Master of Public Health; Sydney School of Public Health, University of Sydney. | Tim is Associate Professor in epidemiology and occupational medicine and also chairs the Education Committee of the Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. |
![]() Aldo Raineri is currently the Discipline Leader - Occupational Health and Safety at CQ University. | He holds undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications in law, management, criminology, training and development, safety and security management. Prior to commencing with CQ University, Aldo was the Director – WHS Policy with the Queensland work health and safety regulator and in that capacity was involved in every major strategic and operational government safety initiative during that time. |