Continuing Professional Development
As a practicing OHS professional maintaining currency and developing depth in your key areas of expertise is not only professionally important but a requirement of professional certification.
The OHS Body of Knowledge provides a framework for OHS professionals to map their areas of practice and identify topics that could be the focus of their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) plans. The Accreditation Board has worked with OHS educators and OHS professionals to develop learning outcomes for each technical chapter of the OHS Body of Knowledge. While these learning outcomes describe what could be expected of the new graduate in the workplace they also provide a guide for experienced professionals in developing their CPD plan.
Download the OHS Body of Knowledge Learning Outcomes
The Accreditation Board has also worked with OHS educators and OHS professionals to develop OHS Professional Capability Statements. These statements are referenced to the learning outcomes for the various qualification levels under the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) and describe what a new OHS professional should be able to do in the workplace. These professional capability statements also provide a guide to the OHS professional in developing their CPD plan.
Click here to download the OHS Professional Capabilities.